
Mom's online recipe organizer

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

Difficutly: very easy
Time: 5 Min
Portion: 1 serving
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 cup crispy rice cereal
1 box Fat-Free Sugar-Free Chocolate Pudding — Jell-O Brand
1 3/4 cups skim milk
1 cup Fat-Free Whipped Topping

1. Microwave honey and peanut butter 30 seconds. Stir.
2. Add cereal. Microwave 30 more seconds. Sitr.
3. Line bottom of 9\” pie pan with cereal mixture.
4. Combine pudding and milk.
5. Pour on top of crust and chill for 2 hours or longer.
6. Spread on whipped topping and serve.

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