
Mom's online recipe organizer

Reese\’s Peanut Butter Cup Cake

Difficutly: very easy
Time: 5 Min
Portion: 1 serving
serves 10-12 people.

1 chocolate cake mix
1 c. butter
1 c. peanut butter
2 c. powdered sugar
1 1/3 c. graham cracker crumbs
3 bags milk chocolate chips
3-4 Tbsp. shortening
(This makes 2 cakes…)
Prepare chocolate cake according do directions on box. Pour batter into 2 round cake pans. Bake according to box directions. After they are finished baking, put on a cooling rack and freeze for 30min-1 hour. While cakes are freezing, combine butter (or margarine) and peanut butter in a large sauce pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until melted, but not boiling. Stir in powdered sugar and graham cracker crumbs, set aside. In a medium-sized microwave-safe bowl, combine chocolate chips and shotening and melt in microwave for about 2 1/2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds until chocolate is melted and smooth.

Now, here\’s the tricky part. Line the round pans that you used for baking the cakes and carefully line with wax paper or foil. Next, use a rubber spatula and coat the bottom and sides of each lined pan with a little of the melted chocolate. Put the pans in the freezer until the chocolate beomes hard. Now, place the cakes in the pans and top each with half of the peanut butter mixture and pat down well. Pour half of the chocolate over each of the cakes making sure that the chocolate goes down the sides filling in the space between the pan and the cake. Use a rubber spatula to smooth out the chocolate over the top. Freeze for at least 90 minutes. Remove from freezer and remove the cakes from the pans. Carefully peel the wax/tin foil away from the sides of the cake. Use a knife or a cake-decorating tool to scrape the sides of the cake so it has that ridged look around the sides. Keep in the fridge or freezer until ready to serve.

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