
Mom's online recipe organizer

April Fool\’s Mini Burgers

Difficutly: very easy
Time: 5 Min
Portion: 1 serving
Nilla Wafers
Peppermint patties (not the huge York ones, the ones that are a little bigger than a quarter)
Coconut shreds or flakes (combine with green coloring in a plastic bag and shake until coconut turns green)
yellow and red frosting
sesame seeds
To assemble the burgers, choose two Nilla wafers. Spread icing \”ketchup or mustard\” on the bottom bun, add a peppermint patty, and sprinkle with coconut lettuce. Add a squirt of icing ketchup or mustard to hold the top bun in place. Spread a little tiny bit of honey on the top of the bun and sprinkle on a few sesame seeds (they should stick in place because of the honey). Arrange the hamburgers on a plate or wrap in foil.

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